Monday, July 29, 2013

Midnight Crawdadding.

This year at scout camp we went crawdadding almost every night at midnight.  We were at Starvation Reservoir. They had big and small crawdad's and we caught hundreds of crawdads all week.  After we caught them we cooked them in a big pot and boiled them with red potatoes.  They tasted so good!



100th BSA Birthday Party.

 My grandpa took me and my little brother to a birthday party for the 100th birthday of BSA! It was really cool!  They had a lot of stuff about the BSA history and how it started and what has changed.  They had a photo booth where they would take your picture and then put you on the cover of the Boys Life magazine for a fun souvenir! It was really fun going with my grandpa and my little brother Max.

Archery Merit Badge.

 For my archery merit badge my dad and I made a bow string and put it on a long bow.  It was really cool learning how to make the string so that it would grip the arrow and also how to make it so the string would not stretch once it was on the bow. Here are some pictures of how we did this!

Sand Dunes

At scout camp we went to the sand dunes and made 10-15 ft. tall bon fires.  We went to Sand Mountain and slid down it in toboggans.
It was so much fun being at the Sand Dunes with my troop. My favorite part was definitely the huge fires we made!

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Scouts This Week.

For scouts this weak there are only going to be two or three people not including my scout leaders so we are most likely going to watch I am Legand or something like that.